
For over 25 years, Makom has been a trusted partner for customers valuing product quality, cost-effectiveness, prompt response, and an eco-conscious development orientation in their search for optimal cleaning solutions.

Specializing in facility hygiene and workplace productivity enhancement using the 5S method, Makom aligns with the latest trends in cleaning automation, aiding companies in maximizing added value. With a strong focus on eco-friendly practices, Makom emphasizes the use of organic products and packaging.

Providing nationwide free delivery, Makom offers a comprehensive service package, including quality service, installation, customized cleaning plans, consumption optimization advice, and education and training by their experts. The company places significant importance on building strong customer relationships.

Upgrade = Breakthrough

Makom's online shop, with a well-established tradition, has undergone two major upgrades in collaboration with the Stroka Business Group. According to Marketing Manager Polona Krenker, the significant challenge during the last redesign in January 2021 was merging the two types of stores: business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). The successful resolution eliminated uncertainties for individual customers regarding product accessibility.

The redesign not only revamped the site's graphical appearance but also emphasized additional B2C services alongside the established B2B model.

Leap Over Barriers with Integration

As part of the redesign, a "one-page checkout" has been introduced, streamlining the check-in process and enhancing user experience. Noting an equal split between desktop and mobile users, Makom focused on both platforms, introducing solutions that improved the overall ordering experience. A selective validation option was added, offering a more personalized experience for major customers, aligning with their specific needs and challenges.

The redesign addressed obstacles, such as stock availability issues, by suggesting alternative products when the desired item was out of stock. Within PANTHEON's primary classification, three alternative products are now offered each time.

More Ways to Access Products

The online shop redesign provides new ways to access products, including basic categories, activities (e.g., hotels), or content (blog), with each segment having its own sub-page. The addition of filters allows customers to indicate preferences when choosing specific products.

New Possibilities for New Opportunities

During the COVID-19 actions, Makom expanded its content, particularly webinars. A specific content format for news, webinars, and blogs was introduced, accompanied by different color shades for enhanced visual appeal. Product ratings were added to the B2C model, allowing customers to provide feedback, building a product rating database.

Additional payment options were introduced, and a follow-up email system for abandoned carts was implemented, enhancing customer engagement. The online shop's integration with the new program (Stripe) enabled multiple card payment options.

Digital Warehouse Integration

The core of the redesign included the integration of warehouse business, merging the Leoss system with the PANTHEON platform. As part of the digital transformation, Makom introduced digital warehouse operations, allowing customers to view the delivery note when ordering online. Future plans involve sending offers from PANTHEON to the online shop, allowing customers to confirm or acknowledge offers.

Proven Initial Victories

Analyzing the new website's analytics compared to the pre-upgrade period reveals positive initial developments. The average time on site increased by almost 39%, and the basket was accessed by 1375% more visitors. Mobile user adaptation goals were successfully achieved, with Android mobile users experiencing an 852% increase in page views.

Long-Distance Running

Customer feedback on the website is crucial for Makom, and positive responses indicate that the redesign has accelerated the buying process. The company remains committed to ongoing improvements and aims to continuously upgrade the website to stay close to its customers.